Golden Awakeneing
The Story Behind the Artwork
A flock of goldfinches took up residence in a tree just beyond my back fence and the watery lilt of the bird’s song was all-encompassing. It filled me with wonder and at times made me feel made me feel as though I was walking through a tropical rainforest.
The goldfinch, known for its cheerful song and vivid colours, I have depicted it here, capturing its delicate beauty and lively spirit. The harmonious interplay of yellow and red throughout the painting not only highlights its plumage but also evokes a sense of warmth and vitality. These colours are echoed in the circular symbology that I have used.
These symbols represent the cyclical nature of our world and invite viewers to reflect on the interconnectedness of all life.
“Golden Awakening” is a unique piece that allows the viewer to find moments of tranquillity and reflection. This painting blends realistic bird art with abstract symbolism, creating an experience that encourages viewers to pause, appreciate, and be present in the moment.